
Sawadee Krab/Kha

That's 'hello' in Thai. I picked up a word or two while I was away… 

Hello Everyone :) I'm backkkk! I don't even know where to start if I'm honest with you. Well, I've been back a week now from Thailand and I can finally say that my body clock is back to normal and I am no longer jet-lagged. Before going away I told myself I was going to do a day-by-day post of what I was getting up to, but that plan went out the window almost instantly. The fun I was having simply didn't allow me to even think about blogging ( I took thousands of pictures though as you could imagine).

Had it not been for my cousin deciding to get married in Thailand, I probably wouldn't have gone for a long time. You know how it is, forever making plans and promises with friends and family about holidays and getaways that never happen, but this happened and it was the most amazing time of my life. Everyone's been asking me tons of questions, and i've been finding it hard to put into words just how amazing Thailand was. Words just cannot describe or even give you a clear picture of what I saw and did. The people were so friendly, kind and warm. They loved my brown skin, which was just mind blowing and weird at the same time because I learnt that being light skinned was very important to Thai people especially the women. In a few places we visited, we saw people covered up in hoodies, oversized hats, face masks, holding up big umbrellas to shield themselves from the scorching heat and when we asked one of them they simply explained that being dark skinned means being associated and put in a group of migrant workers, street food sellers, maids and poverty. It's quite sad really…

The food. Oh, the food… Absolutely amazing! The beach, our villa, parties, shopping, Tuk Tuks, motorbikes, thai massages, the views, the wedding, the food, the food and the food was amazing (someone give me another word) and ofcourse the company. I couldn't have gone to such a beautiful place with lovelier people. People that you hardly knew but at the end of it all feel like family. What the hell was Drake saying about "No New Friends?" Pffffft. 

Anyway, I'm sure its pretty clear that I loved every single minute of Thailand, and will probably do another post just to rub your faces in it once more so i'll leave it here for now

Mpho x 


  1. Literally so jealous, but so glad you had a good time. xxx
